24 seasons "Shūbun (Autumn equinox)"
September 23rd (Sat) – October 7th (Sat)


“September October Shūbun

[ The 24 seasons and 72 micro-seasons ]
Now four seasons are standard, but in ancient Japan the spring, summer, fall and winter were divided into 24 seasons, and each of those 24 seasons was further divided into 3 smaller seasons of 5 days each, called the 72 micro-seasons.
This helped people sense the changing seasons.

It is during this season, when the days and nights approach their equinox, that we can truly experience the long nights of autumn.
It is during this time of year that the farmers begin reaping their rice crops, and welcome in the busy fall harvesting season.

At SUIGIAN, you can enjoy the changing nature with our dishes and cocktails.
Be sure to try them!


"24 seasons & 72 microseasons Cocktail"

72 micro-seasons

first climate: Kaminari sunawachi koe o osamu (Thunder ceases)
September 23–27

second climate: Mushi kakurete to o fusagu
(Insects hole up underground)
September 28–October 2

last climate: Mizu hajimete karuru
(Farmers drain fields)
October 3–7